The students must come to the school in neat and clean uniform.
LKG & UKG - Pink Skirts, Half Pants with Galis, Pink and Blue Checks Shirt with Pattern and Monogram, Plain Pink Tie, Pink Socks and Black Shoes.
Std. I-V
Boys Half Sleeves Dark Grey and Blue Stripe Shirt, Worsted Black Half Pants
Girls Half Sleeves Dark Grey and Blue Stripe Shirt,Worsted Black Pleated Skirt
Std. VI-X
Boys Full Sleeves Dark Grey and Blue Stripe Shirt,full Sleeves normal Pleated Full Pants
Girls Full sleeves Dark Grey and Blue Stripe Shirt,same Colour Jacket, Worsted Black Pleated Skirt.
Black Shoes with Dark Grey Socks with White Double Strips. Tie - Grey coloured Tie with Black stripes
LKG, UKG - Pink full sleeves Sweater with White stripes.
Std.I-VII - Worsted Black full Sleeves Sweater with Yellow Stripes.
Std.VIII to XII - Blazer
P. T. UNIFORM Boys (L.Kg to Std. V) : White Shorts, House Coloured T-shirt, White Socks, White Keds. (Std. VI-X) : White Trousers, House Coloured T-shirt, White Socks, White Keds. Girls (LKG to Std.X) : White pleated Skirts, House Coloured T-shirt, White Socks, White Keds. Boys and Girls will keep normal hair style in the school premises. Boys must wear black belts with simple buckles and laced shoes. P.T. Uniform should be worn on games day every week